General Product Information

Please provide the following information about your product:

Product Name: This name will be used in the title bar of the license dialog and various other places where the name of your product is required.

Version: Enter the version number of your application or choose Auto-Detect Version if you wish Instant Protection PLUS 3 to read the version number from the version resource of the executable. The version number is used to check for new version availability, can optionally be displayed on the splash screen, and can be logged in the activation history if using SOLO Server.


The Auto-Detect Version feature is currently not available when using the Instant Protection PLUS 3 DLL (IP2Lib32.dll or IP2Lib64.dll) and you will need to fill in the version number manually. You will need to remember to update the version number in your Instant Protection PLUS 3 project and generate a new XML file with any new release.

Product Website: Enter the URL to your company home page or this product's website. The format should be What you enter in this field will be displayed on the license dialog as "Go To Website". Leave this field blank if you do not want a website link on your license dialogs.

Support Link: Enter the URL to your company's support page. The format should be
You may optionally use a mailto link using the standard mailto variables and proper URL encoding. For example,
If you enter a value into this field, the activation dialog will display a clickable link with the text "Click here for support". If a URL was entered, clicking on the link will open the default browser to the specified URL. If a mailto link was entered, clicking the link will open the default email client with a new email created and containing any extra information if using the mailto variables. Leave this field blank if you do not want to display a support link on your license dialogs.

Product Purchase Link: Enter the URL you would like the user taken to when they click the "Purchase" button on the license dialog. The format should be SOLO Server users will have this automatically filled in as the shopping cart link when their product is synchronized, but it can be changed to any URL you want. If the URL is not preceded by http:// or https://, https:// will automatically be added to the beginning of the link during the processing. Note: Leave this field blank if you do not want the user to have the "Purchase" option on the license dialog.

Alternate Purchase Link: Enter the URL you would like the user taken to when they click the Get For Free button on the license dialog. This feature can be used with a service such as MyOfferPal, which provides alternative payment methods. The format should be Note: Leave this field blank if you do not want the user to have the "Get For Free" option on the license dialog.


For the above URLs, to do a registry lookup to allow specifying a URL override use :LM:keyPath:valueName after the URL. For example:\Company Name\Urls:website. :LM: is short for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. If you omit the :valueName it will use the default string value for keyPath.

Product Logo: Choose a bitmap file to be displayed on the left side of all license dialog boxes. The image size needs to be 155x429 pixels. Any pixel with the color 255, 0, 255 (purple) will be transparent.

If the image is not displaying correctly, check the DPI Setting on the last step of this wizard. If the image is still not displaying correctly, try re-saving the bitmap file with MSPaint.


The product logo image must be deployed as described in the Wrapper Deployment or DLL Deployment topic in the Instant Protection PLUS 3 manual.