PLUSManaged Overview

If your application is a managed, .NET application (written in C# or Visual Basic .NET, for example), then PLUSManaged is the API designed for your needs (see more about selecting a solution)

This section of the manual is designed to guide you or your application developers through the process of using the PLUSManaged API in your applications. Understanding this portion of the manual and using the API effectively requires at least a basic understanding of .NET application development and object-oriented programming (including inheritance and polymorphism), and also requires a basic understanding of the SoftwareKey Systemtm and licensing. Topics in this section include subjects like adding a reference to your project, implementing licensing requirements in your application (such as adding copy protection, validating time-limited licenses, and much more), and deploying your protected applications.


The steps laid out in the common implementation sub-topics of this manual do not match exactly what is in the Protection PLUS 5 SDK sample projects. The manual topics are more simplified to make it easier to explain, while the sample projects have more complex organization, but the resulting functionality is similar in both cases.

PLUSManaged for .NET Standard

The Microsoft .NET Standard is a specification of .NET APIs intended to be supported on multiple platforms. The PLUSManaged .NET Standard assembly conforms to the .NET Standard 2.0 specification. This assembly is designed for cross-platform development. If you are only developing on the Windows platform, you may want to instead use PLUSManaged for the .NET Framework (see more about selecting a solution).

Not all the features of PLUSManaged for .NET Framework are supported in PLUSManaged for .NET Standard due to limitations of different platforms. The following features are currently not available with PLUSManaged for .NET Standard.

Available on Windows OS only:

Not available on any platform:

The following System Identifiers are currently not available on any platform.