3 reasons why you should use cached license files

By Mike Wozniak  |  Software Licensing Tips

Posted:  September 29

That totally frustrated feeling when you need to access data via mobile and you can’t get a connection. Sucks, right?

Maybe you want to access an email with an online confirmation number while waiting at a service counter, or you want to order an Uber ride. Maybe you’re in a bad coverage area or a data congested area.

Let’s face it, even though internet service is readily available these days, it can’t be guaranteed at all times and at all places.

That’s why caching your software application’s license/subscription status is important. With caching, user access is constantly reliable.

When licensing software, typically two components will work together:

  • Licensing Client – the component running inside of the protected software application that identifies if the software is allowed to run, based upon the status of the subscription. In the case of the SoftwareKey System, this is one of the Protection PLUS tools.
  • Licensing Server – the central licensing server that sits on the Internet that tracks the status of the license and communicates this to the licensing client as needed. The SoftwareKey System licensing server is called SOLO Server.

The subscription verification APIs offered by the Licensing Client and Licensing Server are great for basic validation of a subscription when both devices are able to communicate with each other. And since mobile data access can’t be guaranteed, securely caching your license/subscription status increases your application’s reliability and availability – via local validation that can take place during the subscription period.

So when you cache the license/subscription status:

  1. Your application’s availability increases since local validation can take place.
  2. Customer perception of reliability improves with the increased availability of your application. A happy customer is always a good thing!
  3. And, in most cases, a software license doesn’t need to be validated with a server every time the application is launched.

Therefore, it is recommended to create the subscription license inside of the Licensing Server and create a cached local license file saved to the customer’s device once they activate. This allows license entitlements to be enforced without always requiring a connection to the Licensing Server, and only periodic validations are required to check for updates to the license.


Your customer’s perception is reality. By implementing a licensing client and a licensing server that caches the software entitlements on the licensed device, customers will have a better experience using your software even when a reliable data connection is not available.

The SoftwareKey System offers both a Licensing Client and Licensing Server that offers the ability to properly cache the license for increased reliability and availability.

About the Author

Mike Wozniak is the founder of SoftwareKey.com and responsible for marketing, content and product strategy. When he isn't plotting new ways to help customers solve licensing and business automation challenges, he likes to travel and entertain guests who come to visit the Orlando area.

Mike Wozniak


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{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}