Protection PLUS 5 SDK – Exciting New .NET Cross-Platform Library and Visual Studio 2019 Support

By Dan H.  |  SoftwareKey System Releases

Posted:  July 10

Protection PLUS Release

New .NET Standard Library!

SoftwareKey is extremely excited to announce a new library : PLUSManaged for .NET Standard.  By targeting .NET Standard 2.0, the benefits of the SoftwareKey System are extended to many new platforms and frameworks, including .NET Framework, .NET Core and Mono.

Now you can license applications that run on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android with a single code base for your licensing business logic!

Additional Enhancements and Changes

  • This release adds support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with new sample projects and integrations.
  • Enhanced the ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC samples to cache the license file, which decreases file system I/O (thus increasing performance) in environments with high concurrency.
  • The manual topic PLUSManaged: Activating and Getting a License File (Online Method)  includes a new section that demonstrates implementing activations using a serial number and Product ID instead of a License ID and Activation Password. This can be especially useful when migrating from another licensing system.
  • A new property has been added for PLUSManagedGui, IsInstallationNameEnabled, that allows the component's Installation Name EditBox to be disabled when a user activates. This allows the InstallationName to be set by the application without allowing the user to edit the value.

Notice for Protection Only Users

Because most customers leverage the powerful features of SOLO Server Automation, the License Manager desktop application is no longer included as part of the Protection PLUS 5 SDK installation process. The installer will upgrade the License Manager application if it was previously installed.  If you are manually activating customers using License Manager and need it to be installed on a new desktop computer, please open a ticket to request the standalone installer for License Manager.

For more information on this and a complete list of changes, view the release notes here.

About the Author

Dan is a software engineer at SoftwareKey with extensive experience in licensing technology and additional experience in video and audio development.

Dan H.


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