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OpenSession Properties

The OpenSession type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActivationData
Gets or sets the XmlDocument of SystemIdentifier information to bind the NetworkSession to a specific computer. This document may be generated using the SystemIdentifier.GenerateActivationDataXml method.
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyAlwaysIncludeCertificatePath
Gets or sets whether the certificate path is always include in requests even when the session is not checked-out..
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyCertificate
Gets the NetworkSessionCertificate object returned from the web service.
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyCertificateDocument
Gets the certificate XmlDocument obtained from processing a web service response.
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyCertificatePath
Gets or sets the absolute path to the NetworkSessionCertificate file.
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyClassName
Gets or sets the class name of the WebServiceClient object.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyComputerName
Gets or sets the Computer Name. This value is optional.
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyEncryptionKey
Gets or sets the author encryption key data.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyErrorMessage
Gets or sets the error message returned by the web service method call. (See for a list of possible values.)
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyLastError
Gets or sets the last error which occurred.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyLicenseID
Gets or sets the License ID issued in SOLO Server.
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyMethodName
Gets or sets the name of the method which will be called from the WebServiceClient object.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyPassword
Gets or sets the password. This may be set to the activation password assigned to the license, or the customer password, in SOLO Server.
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyRequestedCheckoutDuration
Gets or sets the requested checkout duration (in hours) for check-out requests.
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyRequireSsl
Gets or sets whether or not SSL certificate validation to check.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyResultCode
Gets or sets the result code returned by the web service method call. (See for a list of possible values.)
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertySessionCode
Gets or sets the randomized session code (used to deter replay attacks).
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertySessionCodeValidation
Gets or sets whether or not session code validation should be done automatically.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertySessionID
Gets or sets the Session ID issued by SOLO Server (used in NetworkSession).
(Inherited from NetworkFloatingServiceCall.)
Public propertyUseDigitalSignature
Gets or sets whether or not a digital signature is to be used or is required for the web service call. (This can only be set to false if UseEncryption is already set to false.)
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyUseEncryption
Gets or sets whether or not encryption is to be used or is required for the web service call.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyWebServiceClient
Gets or sets the SoapHttpClientProtocol object (.NET Framework) or the XmlWebService object (.NET Standard 2.0) used to perform the web service method call.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
Public propertyWebServiceResponse
Gets or set the XmlNode object reference for the root XML node of the web service response.
(Inherited from WebServiceCall.)
See Also