Tutorial 1: Wrapping an Application

This tutorial will step through the process of wrapping an application using the SOLO Server test author account. The tutorial will use the Demo Application included with the Instant Protection PLUS 3 installation, but you may use your application with this tutorial instead of the Demo Application.

The unprotected Demo Application can be found in the Instant Protection PLUS 3 installation folder. By default this is %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\SoftwareKey\Instant PLUS\samples\DemoApplication\DemoApplication.exe. The Demo Application is a standard 32-bit native Windows application created with Microsoft Visual Studio.

The images shown will generally only show the wizard section of Instant Protection PLUS 3 rather than the entire application unless needed.

If you are planning to use the Instant Protection PLUS 3 DLL, you may still follow the steps in this tutorial as the wizard and activation process is nearly the same. We will point out when the process diverges.


In this tutorial you have learned how to synchronize your product with SOLO Server, and protect your application using the Instant Protection PLUS 3 wizard and wrapper.

In the next tutorial, we will continue by using the protected application created in this tutorial and demonstrate creating a test license in SOLO Server, activating our protected application, and remotely deactivating the license.

Continue to Tutorial 2.